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Tag: ballistics

best barrel length for 308

Best Barrel Length For 308?

Perhaps you’ve felt overwhelmed looking for the best barrel length for 308? From bolt actions to semi-automatics, the .308 is a versatile system. Below, we’ll talk about many aspects of the .308’s barrel length, including the significance of twist rate, velocities with various barrel lengths, and different uses for long and short barrels.  Gun owners […]

shooting a deadbolt

Mythbusting: Shooting A Deadbolt

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick We never get tired of watching movies, but we often watch scenes play out that aren’t realistic. Their approach is believable, but the way they go about solving problems defies logic, engineering, and sometimes physics. Take deadbolt locks as an example. When a character shoots a deadbolt lock, it disintegrates and […]

Federal HST VS Hydra-Shok

Federal HST VS Hydra-Shok

By Guy J. Sagi The physics, math, and metallurgy poured into modern bullet design is staggering. Advances are often cutting edge, particularly when it comes to self-defense projectiles. Federal Ammunition, one of the foremost in the field, understands no two situations or needs are identical. For that reason, it offers versions that bring different assets […]

how fast do bullets travel

How Fast Do Bullets Travel?

How fast do bullets travel? You’ve likely overheard other shooters discussing things like bullet velocity, penetration, or projectile trajectory. While these terms form a second language of sorts for seasoned shooters, these conversations can be a bit challenging to navigate if you are less well-versed on the subject of ballistics.  There’s no reason to sign […]

shooting a tire

Mythbusting: Shooting A Tire

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick We’ve all seen Hollywood movies where cops or bad guys are shooting tires to end a high-speed chase. Realistic or not, we’ve frequently seen tires shot from the windows of moving cars. Or other unlikely scenarios, like the hero standing in the middle of the road to shoot the tires of […]