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Tag: second amendment

constitutional carry

What Is Constitutional Carry?

By Guy J. Sagi The Second Amendment consists of 27 words, ending with, “…the right of the people to Keep and Bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The concept was radical in an era dominated by monarchs and dictators. Armed citizenry threatened the ability to maintain reign over defenseless servants. The principle is a cornerstone […]

man demonstrating open carry with a pistol on his hop

Open Carry – What It Means And Where It’s Legal

There’s a lot of political discussion going on these days about open carrying laws and firearm permits in general. But all the terminology can be really confusing. What exactly constitutes open carry, and why are so many political advocates arguing about it? This article isn’t meant to sway your opinion in any way or get […]

a design for the article second amendment sanctuaries

Second Amendment Sanctuaries – Gamechanger?

By Guy J. Sagi The Second Amendment sanctuary movement has served notice to legislators and gained the kind of momentum that demands mainstream media attention. Enrollment is expanding across the nation and the signal it’s sending is clear. Law-abiding citizens are no longer willing to silently surrender their constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear […]