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Category: Centerfire Ammo

30-06 VS 30-30

30-06 VS 30-30

From the battlefields of war to the deepest woods, the 30-06 VS 30-30 debate rages on. The .30-30 has arguably downed more deer than any other projectile in history. Thousands of seasoned hunters swear by it, and .30-30 loyalists wouldn’t dream of venturing into the woods with any other cartridge. However, an equally passionate group […]

277 Fury VS 6.8 SPC

277 Fury VS 6.8 SPC

If you’re as excited about modern rifle cartridges as we are, you’ve probably jumped into debates around 277 Fury VS 6.8 SPC. Both cartridges owe their existence to the U.S. military. Their creation came about due to the battlefield limitations of the 5.56 NATO round.  While both are designed to outperform the aging 5.56 NATO […]

22LR VS 223

22LR VS 223: A Tale Of Two Calibers

Welcome to the wild world of firearms and ammunition, where the options can be as diverse as those who make them. It might seem strange to some to compare the 22LR VS 223, but they have more in common than you may suspect. Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or a newcomer to the world of […]

5.45x39 VS 7.62x39

5.45×39 VS 7.62×39

By Guy J. Sagi The Russian military adopted the AK-47 in 1947, chambering the 7.62×39 mm cartridge. For more than two decades, that duo did yeoman’s work for its armed forces and continues to do so in hot spots around the globe. An improved design rolled out in 1974—labeled the equally unimaginative “AK-74”—digests 5.45×39 mm, […]

AR-15 ejection patterns

AR-15 Ejection Patterns

You’re out at the range, about to run the first magazine through your new AR-15. You pull the charging handle, drop the bolt, turn off the safety, and BANG! The first shot rings out. Your AR-15 ejection patterns send the brass casing sailing through the air, landing on your neckline and sliding down your shirt. […]