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Tag: handgun ammo

40 S&W VS 10mm

40 S&W VS 10mm

Regarding handgun cartridges, the 40 S&W VS 10mm stand out as popular choices among enthusiasts and professionals alike. Each cartridge offers more power than the 9mm and has many loyal followers. While interest in the 40 S&W has waned over the years, the 10mm has seen a resurgence, thanks in part to manufacturers producing new […]

how fast do bullets travel

How Fast Do Bullets Travel?

How fast do bullets travel? You’ve likely overheard other shooters discussing things like bullet velocity, penetration, or projectile trajectory. While these terms form a second language of sorts for seasoned shooters, these conversations can be a bit challenging to navigate if you are less well-versed on the subject of ballistics.  There’s no reason to sign […]

9mm VS 10mm

9mm VS 10mm

Many gun owners battle it out online comparing the differences between 9mm VS 10mm. So which caliber is faster, more powerful, and most effective? It’s hard to say. Some gun owners prefer to have the additional ammo capacity of 9mm. While others, more interested in performance, may not want to give up the magnum power […]

photo of kenzie fitzpatrick demonstrating how to shoot a handgun

How To Shoot A Gun

Guest Writer: Kenzie Fitzpatrick Fundamentals are the key to learning how to shoot a gun. Once you understand the basics of shooting and safety, you can apply them from one gun to the next. Whether you’re the newest shooter out there or a seasoned operator, mastering the fundamentals will get you shooting accurately. When you’ve […]

a photo of a smith & wesson M&P 45 acp pistol with ball ammo

What Is Ball Ammo?

By Guy J. Sagi Shooters often use the term “ball ammo” to describe cartridges with a full metal jacket bullet (FMJ). Although the jargon hints that the projectile is spherically shaped or contains some sort of hidden “ball” within, neither is true. It’s the least-expensive ammunition—on average—available to civilian gun owners and accounts for the […]