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Tag: civil war

Wild Bill Hickok

Wild Bill Hickok: A Wild West Original

Born James Butler Hickok, everyone remembers him as “Wild Bill.” Many consider him the first famous gunfighter of the American West. During his relatively short life, he worked as a gold prospector, bodyguard, killer, lawman, army scout, gambler, and showman. He also met or worked with some of the Old West’s most famous (and infamous) […]

Jesse James

Jesse James: American Outlaw

Jesse James did not want to be called a thief. After all, General Ulysses Grant and his Union troops were the real thieves, having stolen everything from James’s beloved South, and Jesse did not want to be associated with the Union Army’s kind of thievery. After the Civil War ended in defeat for the South, […]

photo of texas rangers history

A History of the Texas Rangers

There are few Americans who have not heard of the Texas Rangers. Since the dawn of television (and before that, on the radio) the media chronicled their exploits in a variety of shows. Here are some you might remember: The Lone Ranger: The only survivor of a massacred Ranger patrol, he and his Indian companion […]

Wanted: Most Valuable Pistols

The Most Valuable Pistols For Collectors Why do people collect pistols? Well, you could put that type of question to those who collect coins, stamps, rare books, or even butterflies. If you ask one hundred of them, you’ll get about that many different responses. Simply put, certain individuals have developed a passion for searching for […]